Cherry Barbs


Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2011
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Im thinking of getting some cherry barbs for my new tank, and i am wondering what experiences people have had with them.

I know they are best kept in pairs, but as for male/male, female/male, female/female i have no idea.

also, are they are good community fish? hardy? any other information?

I know they are best kept in pairs, but as for male/male, female/male, female/female i have no idea.
Schooling fish should never be kept in pairs, mixed sex groups of 6+ are best. It is generally a good idea to have slightly more females than males. It is true that they do not shoal in tight groups, like tetras do, but they are still a schooling species.

also, are they are good community fish? hardy? any other information?
They are, if kept in groups of 6+
I have 6 (2 males and 4 females). the males do a lot of chasing so you need a big tank even though they are small fish.

They are very entertaining to watch, but are also quite shy so you need a few plants etc for hiding places and for the females to escape to have a rest.
hi, i have one cherry barb and a gold/cherry cross and they live together with my tetra and are quite happy. But if you have room i'd try and get 4 or more.
Indeed, best kept as a male/female pair. These are fairly shy fish, but two males together in an average tank will not work well. Although they don't really do any serious damage, they will antagonise each other, in extreme circumstances, leading to one hiding and "fading away".

[edit notes]Note to self, check spelling before pressing Save[/edit notes]

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