Cherry Barbs....


Fish Crazy
Oct 8, 2008
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put two of my cherry barbs in a tank last nite to try for a spawn.. this morning there at it like good uns :) eggs droppin all over whenevr the male didnt fancy a snack.... how long til they hatch and anything to look out for in rearing them :) parents taken out tonite when they were not showing much more interest :) got a sponge filter runnin and heater and there in a mature tank that had a group of guppies til last nite :).........

from what i reading maybe i was a bit quick in removing the parents...started maybe 9 this morn and cooled off around 5 ish so back to there own tank :)
The eggs hatch in a couple of days and the fry are swimming around a few days after that (all dependant on temperature). They don't need any special care other than a fry food for the first few weeks and then some newly hatched brineshrimp.

Once the parents have bred take them out otherwise they will eat the eggs. The female will only breed about once a week so if you put them back in the breeding tank, then take them back out asap.
put two of my cherry barbs in a tank last nite to try for a spawn.. this morning there at it like good uns :) eggs droppin all over whenevr the male didnt fancy a snack.... how long til they hatch and anything to look out for in rearing them :) parents taken out tonite when they were not showing much more interest :) got a sponge filter runnin and heater and there in a mature tank that had a group of guppies til last nite :).........

from what i reading maybe i was a bit quick in removing the parents...started maybe 9 this morn and cooled off around 5 ish so back to there own tank :)

congrats mate, keep us posted :good:
5 days in and no swimmers :( but eggs are still ok mmm was told 48hrs - 5-7 days duration for egg hatch... whats the general opinion?
What colour are the eggs u can see and can u see anything developing in them.

May be an infertile male and with barbs it's recommended you have 2-3 males to every female.
However you done well to spawn them, good luck next time.
eggs usually hatch in 1-2 days mate
bugger :( the ones i can see are a kind of pale off white colour i was convinced i saw a black dot in the middle of some ... only a couple that i found had fungussed so thought the others would be ok... maybe not.
just give them a couple more days. Any infertile eggs would have gone white and fungused by now.
ok second time lucky or the wee fella is firing blanks :) tank a lot warmer and they were spawning for a lot longer :) fingers crossed :)
I have cherry barbs, my fave fish in my tank. sorry if I'm hijacking your thread but how big are some of your cherries?

I have cherry barbs, my fave fish in my tank. sorry if I'm hijacking your thread but how big are some of your cherries?

pretty small buddy,maybe about 3cm plus...the females are very full bellied and the male is really bright coloured compared to the females.
Another update ... 6 days from spawning ive loads of little wrigglers :) happy days. now the fun begins how 2 rear :) using liqufry and 5micron golden pearls for now maybe try micro worms in a couple of days :)
good luck, are u hatching brine shrimp? best food by far
I have cherry barbs, my fave fish in my tank. sorry if I'm hijacking your thread but how big are some of your cherries?

pretty small buddy,maybe about 3cm plus...the females are very full bellied and the male is really bright coloured compared to the females.

Wow, what I've learned is when you buy cherries from the LFS they are tiny. I have had my two cherries for about half a year and they are double the size of the ones I bought 2 months ago. The 1st pair is about 1 inch while the second pair is about 3cm too.
kinda outa topic but i really need to know the answer to this...

can i put cherry barbs and tiger barbs in a 10 gallon tank?

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