Cherry Barbs And Bettas?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2006
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I've had a Betta get along just fine with livebearers, but would one be okay with a few Cherry Barbs?
(No worries, I have a week or two before my tank gets occupied, I want to avoid fishy drama though!)

I already know Tetras are nippers, but would any other fish from this category fit with a Betta?
well i know barbs are really fin nippers, but a more doceile tetra like rummynose or cardinal tetra
might be better

didnt totally understand what you were asking, so sorry if i gave a stupid Ansewr *blush*
I have cherry barbs with my Pearl Gourmais. I realize that the Betta fins are much more elaborate than the gourmais, but the cherry barbs don't nip at them at all. Mind you neithor do my Zebra Danio, and that is odd. But you might be ok with the Cherries, just have a back up plan in case something goes wrong.
I have two female Bettas join a community of many, including one Cherry Barb. He's been a recluse kinda guy/gal. Everything was great, and so far is still great. I'm actually surprised that the Bettas are being peaceful. We're going on day 3 and everything looks good. I say go for it.

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