Cherry Barb Eggs


New Member
Aug 22, 2006
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my problem is as follows:
After buying three cherry barbs i didn't really take much notice of them for a couple of months until i was thinking about which fish to try and breed. I chose them simply because i had one male and two females and they were beautiful fish , it was a nice mix and a tried them out. After feeding them live mosquito larva for a couple of days i moved them into there own tank, all of them that is, the male chased the females, after a while he concentrated all his patience on the biggest female and chased a way the other. The next day they spawned, i was quite proud of myself as i haven't been in the hobby for that long. After a removed them and covered the tank with a black plastic bag. After six days of waiting a gave up on the eggs they obviously hadn't hatched and i am pretty sure of this. Anyway i tried again after a week or so with the other female and used mostly rainwater thinking that the tap water was too hard and still nothing happened. I want to try again but without any idae what i can do differently i am a bit stuck. I would be very appreciative if anyone expressed their opinion on the matter.

P.S the Ph was at 7 although i think i did become abit more alkaline while the eggs were devolping.

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