I don't post much in this section but I have a pair of Cherry barbs that decided to have a go at it in my planted 8g. Judging by the various stages of fry development, from grey wrigglers to over 2/3 inch long, I'd say they've been at it for quite a while. The tank is densly planted with CO2 injection, a few pieces of wood, and gravel with laterite. Before the babies, the only fish at the time are said cherry barb pair and one oto. There is also a snail. I haven't really done anything to get them to breed and I hear cherry barbs are very easy anyways, so I realize that this didn't take much skill on my part. It is fun, however, to watch the babies develop and grow, so I have provided a few pictures for enjoyment. I have read that cherry barbs tend to eat their eggs, but I haven't really noticed any agression towards the developing fry. Apparently, enough eggs are escaping the mouths of the adults. I think I have about 10 fry total in the tank, and will be moving them to a 36g when they are large enough.
Why are you taking pictures of me?
Watch me swim!
I see you...(The gravel is 1-3mm for scale)
Proud Papa!
Thanks for looking. Can't believe it, 29 and already a grandma!
Why are you taking pictures of me?

Watch me swim!

I see you...(The gravel is 1-3mm for scale)

Proud Papa!

Thanks for looking. Can't believe it, 29 and already a grandma!