The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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I forgot to mention that this morning Narayan came round and looked at Cher and said "She's gasping for air". I mentioned previously that she looked like she was gasping - but she wasn't at the top... obviously because she couoldn't get to the top.

I put her into a tank which I'm cycling (in the hope of getting some more Danio fry to fill it) straightaway so she has her own private 10lt residence.

As I go to bed she's STILL the right way up :D and has hoovered the gravel and eaten a couple of crushed peas for dinner.

Light a candle and say a prayer for Cher!
How is she this morning?
how are you, the worried mum?
please keep us updated
Still the right way up. :D But still on the bottom. -_-

Shhhhh! If she hears me saying this she'll flip over again!

I'm gonna let her get on with it and stop worrying and go to the blue reef aquarium portsmouth today.
She's still the right way up and capable of getting to the water's surface when she wants to (i.e. when there's food around!)

She has spent a lot of time hiding under the filter and she didn't want a kiss goodnight when I went to bed last night (am I spoiling this fish? :lol: ) but she comes out sometimes to hoover the gravel and is generally a MUCH healthier looking fish. :D

I'll be treating her to some of Narayan's "practically perfect" water (see other post on high nitrates for details) at the next water change and I think I owe Danio2004 much gratitude for his continued support and excellent advice in the Live Chat the other night.

Thanks mate - you're a star. :clap: :clap: :clap:
Oh hell - the flippin' fish is upside down again this morning, whenever she comes out from under the filter. :angry: She also seems to like to wedge herself against the thermometer - perhaps it's her way of staying upright?

It occured to me that I never mentioned Cher's other problem!
(Other members: Oh NO, not ANOTHER problem!)

A while ago one of her "botty fins" got stuck round her tail.
I didn't know what to do although I wanted to help her put it back but I don't like touching fish and I couldn't see how to do it.

I didn't mess with her in the hope that it would flip itself the right way round in the same way as it got stuck.

Anyway since it never went back, after a while Narayan tried to push it back but it was so long after it happened that it's growing that way now and it's still there.

Last night I coated my hands in stress coat and had another try (I hate touching fish) but it won't go back now.

I wonder now if this mis-placed "botty fin" might be a partial cause of all the other problems, affecting her balance, causing stress, etc?

Has anyone else's fish had a problem with a mis-placed fin?
Did it sort itself out?
What did you do?
OMG, you tried again. And I know how much you dont like being touched by fish.

It isnt going to change (like I told you), well done for getting over your fear of fish touching you though. ;)

Now leave her alone, before you kill her with love. :)

Are you ok (prod), Are you ok (prod), Are you ok (prod), Are you ok (prod), Are you ok (prod), Are you ok (prod), Are you ok (prod), Are you ok (prod), Are you ok (prod), Are you ok (prod), Are you ok (prod), Are you ok (prod), Are you ok (prod), Are you ok (prod), Oops you're dead.

Take a deep breath and use your calming chant..............

Aaaaaaand.... Mum can I have a rabbit, Mum can I have a rabbit, Mum can I have a rabbit, Mum can I have a rabbit, Mum can I have a rabbit, Mum can I have a rabbit, Mum can I have a rabbit, Mum can I have a rabbit, Mum can I have a rabbit, Mum can I have a rabbit, Mum can I have a rabbit, Mum can I have a rabbit..............................................
Narayan said:
I know how much you dont like being touched by fish.

It isnt going to change (like I told you), well done for getting over your fear of fish touching you though. ;)
Actually I seem to be OK with touching fish on purpose, it's when the fish touch ME that I don't like it! :fun: :S

And dare I say it - she seems to be very lively today! Although she still goes upside down every now and again... perhaps it's the lack of tail that is causing her to have "balance issues". :fun:
if shes upside down at the surface, its probably an air bubble and you can take care of that by feeding it raw mashed peas.
Thanks for the hint but I've tried that already.

Honestly I swear this fish is attention seeking - probably swims normally all day long, then when I come into the room goes belly up. :lol: :fun: :grr:
save cher exp.....cher is a golfish that has been sold as a blackmoore but has come from mixed coloured parents thus the colour change .. a properly bread blackmoore should stay black .. others change to orange pale or dark its common for sure seen it heaqps of times .. the shop chucks them with the blacks coz they cost more . it is a swim blader prob take a litr of water from your tank ad 1 tspoon epsomsalts leave the dear in it 4 a couple hrs then put her back it usually works this prob may reocure in the future .. just repeat the process when it does .... we r rootin 4 ya cher :D
i hope Cher is okay

If you could turn back time>........
squidlips said:
it is a swim blader prob take a litr of water from your tank ad 1 tspoon epsomsalts leave the dear in it 4 a couple hrs then put her back it usually works
That is very interesting. I'll give that a try.

To all the members of the Cher Fan Club :
She's vertical,
she's horizontal,
She's vertical,
she's horizontal,
She's vertical,
she's horizontal,
She's vertical,
she's horizontal,
She's vertical,
she's horizontal,
She's vertical,
she's horizontal,
She's vertical,
she's horizontal,
But she's hangin' in there.

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