Checking Barbels


Fish Addict
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
Oxford, UK
people keep mentioning that they check their corys barbels every day, (esp when they have gravel substrate)

and I keep looking at mine, and they look okay, but was hoping someone would be able to provide pictures. hopefully 2, what they should look like, and what they SHOULDN'T look like. :unsure:
I havent any clear shots at all really of mine but when they are healthy they should have good whiskers. Hopefully someone will be able to provide some really good pics for you.
Here is old piccy of a panda, can you see he has nice even ones at the front?

I only check mine regularly (Im usually a daily) as this is a common problem with cories BUT only if the they arent beiing kept in the right conditions or it is a very good sign of something going wrong with them. When mentioned with gravel it is only because from what I have read that gravel can hold and hide bits of food etc and these breaking down leaves bacteria, etc, etc which then can affect the cories as they snuffle for food (also read they are worn down because of the gravel itself but havent experienced this in my tank at all).
cheers, from he looks of that mine are fine (and they ought to be) but it'd really help if someone could show me what they look like when they AREN'T ok.
I get to check my corys barbels when i drop an algae wafer near the front of the tank and they rush to find it and eat it there and then.

This B. multiradiatus has a bacterial infection that has not yet spread to its barbels. Left untreated, it could have eroded them away completely. I've seen corys that looked like their entire mouths were gone. Fortunatly, I was not the owner of them.

I had 2 Cory cats loss most of the barbs but they have since grown back. I had one look like the photo inchworm posted and I did a large water change and it cleared up over night.

Now my corys are in a larger tank so water quilty will be better. But if you see any thing differant going on with barbs it means they need a WC.

I will see if I can find a photo of mine with stubby barbs.

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