Checked The Pin...just Want More Info


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
Are there any plecs apart from the Pitbull that could be kept in a small group, well filtered obviously, in either an 18x10x10 or 18x12x12??

Thanks for your opinions!!
Eighteen by ten by ten inches??? As in 10 gallons? No catfish should be kept in a tank that small, except perhaps a school of something like Corydoras hastatus or Aspidoras pauciradiatus. Definitely not any type of loricariid.

For a tank that small, you'd be better off with shrimps.

Cheers, Neale
Eighteen by ten by ten inches??? As in 10 gallons? No catfish should be kept in a tank that small, except perhaps a school of something like Corydoras hastatus or Aspidoras pauciradiatus. Definitely not any type of loricariid.

For a tank that small, you'd be better off with shrimps.

Cheers, Neale

have 2 agree with neale a tad on the small side for plecs but pygmy cory's as above was mention should work nicely :)
I am getting hastatus or habrosus or definate, think I might have to satisy my cafish needs with just those really!!

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