Cheapest Setup

Like I say, it's less about the shark being too agressive,

example, triggers are a no no, because they will attack the shark.

I will look into them, but must admit I'm not a big fan of eels.

we may be inheriting the house we are in (living with in laws) since grandmother in law owned it, recently died, and will be left to parents in law. They will also be getting a healthy sum of money, and are talking about buying a bungalow on the coast, leaving us here.

This will remove some silly restrictions, and there is a lovely spot in the living room to move our FW tank into. And if we wall mount the tv, space the other side of the fireplace for a 55gallon tank (maybe bigger if custom built).

So may have to do that and have a big marine tank.
I just wanted to say good luck with it all Chris, a 1000G with a Bamboo shark, wow that will be something!

I'll be moving into Marine too, but not until much later...I'll be moving to Fiji for early retirement in about 10-15 years and I envisage having a nice tank where I can put my wild caught fish from the local reef :) So I'll be jumping into Marine for a few years before then with a not so big setup just like you're thinking of now, that's the dream anyway...

I'll be following with interest

Cheers. It may be a few years away, but that's ok. It's a few years to learn more.

When I finally get round to it I'll make a nice journal of the build and setup.

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