Siamese Fighting Fish......The clue is in the name
Do you think they would be good for dividing up for male fry once they can be separated?
Do you think they would be good for dividing up for male fry once they can be separated?
i'm a bit confused??? that tanks got an undergravel filter, so without substrate you can't cycle it.Who ended up with one in the end?
Mines up and running,
Il probably buy some substrate , at the minute il just cycle the tank,
Came with lots of stuff i never added in to my final setup,
Its going to have as clear a sand as possible and a some nice plants then fishiesssssss
Tank looks tiny in the pics but its not as small as it lookspics dont really do it justice
I can betta that....go to wilkinsons, tank £4.99, nice size for a betta and square, gravel about £1.50, bridge ornament 99p, silky weeds about £1 (dont get the fern ones they foul the water up something rotten), and even water conditioner about £1.29...... about a tenner!!
Wilko are very good.
I got some of the aquare vases yesterday. only 3 quid and perfect for a betta.
Also Instore/Range sell acrylic CD/DVD Cubes that are very good size for a fighter.
Or any Housewares shop that does those huge glass/plastic storage jars.
Or I re-use Mars Heroes tubs aswell.
Large Mayo Jars from the 99p shop.