Cheap Gravel Suctioners


Fish Crazy
Aug 30, 2012
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Good morning! Ok, so I'm up early, tank still somewhat cloudy, will take cheap gravel suctioner back today and hope to find something better that won't break the bank. First gravel suctioner didn't work either and I did practice with it, daughter tried it, almost asked a neighbor to try it LOL to make sure it did not work, was way too hard to get it to suction with gravity, was tired of moving it up and down. I also am tired of cleaning tank by removing everything, then taking water out with pitchers, and carrying it to the kitchen, it adds to my back pain. This is my big goal of the day besides mowing the grass, laundry, cooking, feeding stray cats, etc. Wish me luck in finding a better choice to clean, I'll even pass up breakfast to get something else. I really miss the crystal clear water after doing complete water change. I'll write later to let others know how this turns out. I want to preserve all of my tankmates! :)
If you can't get it to start syphoning just by shaking it, suck the end of the hose until the water starts coming through and then shake to get it going properly. Make sure you have the bucket you're draining into on the floor so you get best suction.
If you can't get it to start syphoning just by shaking it, suck the end of the hose until the water starts coming through and then shake to get it going properly. Make sure you have the bucket you're draining into on the floor so you get best suction.

I tried that and ended up with fish water in my mouth, had to treat that with H2O2, and watched video on you tube, tried that method and it just didn't work. I'm going back to store with it to exchange it for something else. Thanks for writing, I had one years ago that was wonderful, can't recall how that one worked so well. I'll even write later to let others and you know how I fixed this problem. :nod:
get the whole thing in the tank fill it with water making sure theres no air bubbles. put ur thumb over the end thereby sealing the water in until u have it in the bucket ur removing the old water too once in place (below the the level of the gravel vac) remove ur thumb and let gravity take over.... voila!!
Moving it up and down is an extremely hard and tiring process, and I for one tend not to do it. Whilst moving it up and down you end up disturbing everything in the tank which is never good. I've always just sucked on the end of the hose, of course that way I'm taking the risk of having a mouth-full of tank water, but it's much quicker! At one point whilst working in a saltwater fish shop I syphoned a bunch of salty water in my mouth in the middle of the shop - not fun.
get the whole thing in the tank fill it with water making sure theres no air bubbles. put ur thumb over the end thereby sealing the water in until u have it in the bucket ur removing the old water too once in place (below the the level of the gravel vac) remove ur thumb and let gravity take over.... voila!!

Yes, I agree and I got mine to work and realized tank is too low to floor, will move tank to higher surface (coffee table to buffet table) but then I can't see tank while I'm typing, however, I did clean tank even with weaker suction, replaced water and will watch to see when clarity changes. I added small amount Jungle clearwater/odor remover, too. Everything else in tank is working great! Thanks!
Moving it up and down is an extremely hard and tiring process, and I for one tend not to do it. Whilst moving it up and down you end up disturbing everything in the tank which is never good. I've always just sucked on the end of the hose, of course that way I'm taking the risk of having a mouth-full of tank water, but it's much quicker! At one point whilst working in a saltwater fish shop I syphoned a bunch of salty water in my mouth in the middle of the shop - not fun.

That's exactly what happened to me! Today the store showed me how to start suction, I did and it worked. But, my tank is too low to floor so I can move it to higher surface and get stronger suction. I did the best I could until I can move tank, everything is working great, tankmates are ok, will watch for better water clarity today. I even added small amount Jungle clearwater, too, put new filter in yesterday, air stone is new, heater is new, and now I'm tempted to buy that red tail shark or even rainbow shark I've been wanting. I'm glad you told me about your experience, thought I was the only one with mouth full of fish water! I swished my mouth with H2O2 afterwards. Gee, what we go thru for our fish! :fun:

get the whole thing in the tank fill it with water making sure theres no air bubbles. put ur thumb over the end thereby sealing the water in until u have it in the bucket ur removing the old water too once in place (below the the level of the gravel vac) remove ur thumb and let gravity take over.... voila!!
This worked and it sure beats moving it up and down in the tank, scares the fish too much!

Moving it up and down is an extremely hard and tiring process, and I for one tend not to do it. Whilst moving it up and down you end up disturbing everything in the tank which is never good. I've always just sucked on the end of the hose, of course that way I'm taking the risk of having a mouth-full of tank water, but it's much quicker! At one point whilst working in a saltwater fish shop I syphoned a bunch of salty water in my mouth in the middle of the shop - not fun.

Yep, moving it up and down was ridiculous! Scared the fish! Your way is better, it makes more sense, and it worked! Thanks and I'll get some more H2O2 ready for next time! :)
To all interested: Its 2 pm, my tank is cloudy again with odor. About 3 hours ago I got suction vac to work even with weak suction, did 50% water change with gravel vac, replaced water, added small amount Jungle clear water/odor remover. Now, I'm thinking of what I can do next, there is no visible algae, I can't understand new odor. Might take entire tank apart and just start over. If I don't answer soon, that will be why. Thought I'd let someone know I'm still working on this. Thanks :rolleyes:
I'm sorry if I am not allowed to link it, but I'm taking my chances. :unsure: I got this:

It's very cheap, easy to start (just squeeze the bulb until it goes), and works well. It's much better than some that I spent a lot more on. The plastic is quite thin but it has lasted me quite a few water changes so far.
What's the whole H2O2 thing about? It's poisonous... :S

I rinsed my mouth from having fish water in it, its really not poisonous, its actually good to rinse your mouth with before you go to bed, and I don't want to know what is in my fish water.

I'm sorry if I am not allowed to link it, but I'm taking my chances. :unsure: I got this:

It's very cheap, easy to start (just squeeze the bulb until it goes), and works well. It's much better than some that I spent a lot more on. The plastic is quite thin but it has lasted me quite a few water changes so far.

Sounds okay to me, I got my gravel vac working but again, got fish water in my mouth! Rinsed my mouth with peroxide. Your cleaning method sounds easier than mine!
kinda hijacking the thread.sorry.when cleaning the gravel,how deep are you supposed to go.will it not uproot plants?
What's the whole H2O2 thing about? It's poisonous... :S

I rinsed my mouth from having fish water in it, its really not poisonous, its actually good to rinse your mouth with before you go to bed, and I don't want to know what is in my fish water.

I'm sorry if I am not allowed to link it, but I'm taking my chances. :unsure: I got this:

It's very cheap, easy to start (just squeeze the bulb until it goes), and works well. It's much better than some that I spent a lot more on. The plastic is quite thin but it has lasted me quite a few water changes so far.

Sounds okay to me, I got my gravel vac working but again, got fish water in my mouth! Rinsed my mouth with peroxide. Your cleaning method sounds easier than mine!

I saw your picture, they sell them on ebay? You must be in the UK? I have not seen one like that here, you have better stuff than my town does! It does look better than mine! Wish we had them here. Its fine you wrote, I'm glad you did and included your picture. Thanks! :)
kinda hijacking the thread.sorry.when cleaning the gravel,how deep are you supposed to go.will it not uproot plants?

Since poop can somehow make it's way through gravel, you're supposed to go all the way to the bottom of the tank. I don't siphon near my plants because it's supposed to be a natural fertilizer for them.
kinda hijacking the thread.sorry.when cleaning the gravel,how deep are you supposed to go.will it not uproot plants?

Well, with mine it is held to the bottom, in the gravel. It won't bother plants, and mine are on gravel with a rock holding them down and they were okay. Your plants must be deep down in sand or some other substrate? My plants have very short roots and are not in a pot, I don't like looking at a pot so I just anchor mine to floor of aquarium. I bought a new plant today for $1 and now the crabs have a second place to get out of the water! They should be really happy now, oh better go, crab is climbing into my filter box, write anytime! :)

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