Channel Cats/Bullheads


Fish Crazy
May 3, 2003
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Often when I feed my Cichlids frozen krill for example, there is quite a bit that makes it to the bottom. This is one reason why I love having a cat around to clean up all the mess. The funny part to me is that they will eat and eat and seem to have no limit to their appetite. Seems to be the only fish I've noticed where the belly just gets HUGE. It will stay that way for a couple of days. Don't experience this often, but do chuckle when it does occur.
I've found the same thing with a few of the different Cats we've kept (the Pictus in particuler, but our common pl*cs would get pretty fat once they started stealing bloodworms and beefheart from our cichlids), but one of our Yellow Labs looks like he is going to explode when he gorges on cucumber. If you want to see a fish that gorges themselves get yourself some puffers :D
if I didn't know better I'd swear they were always gravid (even the males), the little guys will eat so much that they can't eat anymore and they still swim around with food hanging out of their mouths for 15 mins after feeding, once they can swallow the last bit they are back at the glass mugging for more food :hyper:
When i went to buy a pair of pictus i was looking in the tank to pick two. So i asked the guy "how come all the pictus are pregnant?" :*) He told be he'd just fed them a bag of blood worms.

So now when i feed my pictus catfish pellets (which are like little cylinder shapes) i can actually see that shape pellet bulging from their bellies :lol:
:lol: :lol: ...the first night I had my pictus he ate all the bloodworms & beefheart he could steal, plus he stole the spirilum disk and ate half of that. The next morning when I checked the tank he had 4 guppy shaped lumps in his stomach...he didn't eat again for 3 days. :lol: :lol:

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