Channel Cat


New Member
Apr 25, 2007
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:drool: :drool: The other day a customer came in to my work and asked me if I would like a free baby channel cat, Of course i said yes i love catfish and cichlids he is just over an inch and a half right now. :drool: :drool: I know they get huge but i just love them, But my question is could i put a pictus in to keep him company for a while or would it just shock him? cause I know he was free but he's my first channel , I have had talking cats and corys and pictus and many others.
:drool: :drool: The other day a customer came in to my work and asked me if I would like a free baby channel cat, Of course i said yes i love catfish and cichlids he is just over an inch and a half right now. :drool: :drool: I know they get huge but i just love them, But my question is could i put a pictus in to keep him company for a while or would it just shock him? cause I know he was free but he's my first channel , I have had talking cats and corys and pictus and many others.

How big is the pictus you want to put in with him
:drool: :drool: The other day a customer came in to my work and asked me if I would like a free baby channel cat, Of course i said yes i love catfish and cichlids he is just over an inch and a half right now. :drool: :drool: I know they get huge but i just love them, But my question is could i put a pictus in to keep him company for a while or would it just shock him? cause I know he was free but he's my first channel , I have had talking cats and corys and pictus and many others.

How big is the pictus you want to put in with him
about 2 and a half inches
well I just found all my convicts this morning dead they were half eaten along with one of my firemouths but it will just be the channel, the plec, and the firemouths, with the pictus for a bit and then the channel is going to a good freind of mine with a 500 gallon tank right now it's in a 29
They're coldwater fish but you can keep them in warmer waters. I think this would promote faster growth (as if they dont grow fast enough) and a better variety in which other fish could be kept with it.
i was feeding some of my other fish bloodworm's and he swam up and started eating from my hand and making little noises it was so cute
oh yeah and i added it up in total i have had him for 13 days so yeah he's doing great.... :p :p :p and thanks mystix
This is a channels head at 4 foot long

And the same one as a whole view. 4 Foot from tip of mouth to tip of tail.

They're tasty and 2 pounds. It takes less than a pound of food to grow a 1 pound cat. But you dont wanna eat a fish you love.
thats true but he's going to my buddys ranch in a few weeks
well he's at my buddys now and i got me some new talking cats they were sqweeking at me on the way home

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