Hi Nelly, surprised you hadn't commented before now actually LOL
The "male" in question went missing for approx a week, got worried and was about to do a water change investigation as I thought I'd lost him but then he turned up for a meal looking a bit lean and since then I've been digging garden worms up and buying fishing maggots to bulk him out, but the female has been getting to the food faster than him, so had to arrange distribution of food at one end of the tank and then quickly to the other to let him get some grub.
Anyway they have taken over the right hand side of the tank and no one, mean no one goes there, the cichlids have the left side along with the other Gachua, so I added extra silk plants for them to hide in and the rascals have also dug up the glass beads etc in a pot plant at some stage for the fry and it is a mess, but I have only done 1 water change since I saw them last week, will be doing another tomorrow as I'm feeding the tank inhabitants more frequently.
The youngsters are getting brineshrimp, and grindal worms 3 times a day in rotation and for the smaller ones that I snagged and have now returned they are getting microworm. Read up that the females expel un fertilized eggs for the fry for about a month after they are released (these eggs sink so that they young can bulk up quickly), I can confirm that this happens cause the fry I took out are a lot smaller than the fry in the tank, even though they had lots of water changes and extra feeding. If you expand the photo you will see some of the fry are slightly smaller and don't seem to have quite as big a tum, these are the fry I snagged and put back into the tank with the others as they didn't seem to thrive as well as the main tank inhabitants.
Got around 50+ or so but it is hard to check cause they are hiding in the silk plants and dad keeps guard in the corner and mum guards the centre of the tank to stop anyone getting into the corner of the tank.