thanks! And no hurry, I expect people to be on holidays this time of the year.
Yeah, the butterflies: I love how they look, but since they share the same swimming level of the archers, I believe it wouldn't work, so I never considered them: have you tried them? I saw them yesterday, my shop has them since ages.
I have 150 LITERS, unfortunately, not gallons...

It's actually a 240 L, but as you know I do have plenty of air above the water!

So, I'm afraid that with 6 rainbows I'll be done.
Also, from what I read they should do fine in low-end brackish like mine. But you know what? I'm soon getting new plants, I have
T. microlepis...: why do I keep staying at SG 1.002? I'll go down to 1.001, that's not even brackish anymore! Just for the sake of the 5 surviving glassfishes (apparently it helps reducing their risk of infections), soon to be released in the
Vallisneria forest.
Will post new pics when this big change, and mangrove position, will be done.