Changing Tanks


Fish Fanatic
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Walsall,West Midlands,UK
Hello I have recently purchased a 440ltre tank and I have a Tetratek1200 filter. I was just wondering if I took the fluval 1 + fluval 2 out of my 65ltr tank and ran all three filters together for a while would it be safe to add my JD and Pleck right away as fluval 1+2 already have sufficient bacteria. I know the two small filters arent sufficient to handle 440ltrs but with just the 2 fish being added do you think they will keep the water stats safe until the big filter is cycled?
Hi penguin22 :)

Please have some patience. You are asking about specific equipment and not everyone knows what you are talking about. I will move your thread to the Hardware forum where it will not go down the list as quickly as it will in Tropical Chat.

Good luck. I hope you get an answer soon. :D
Hi penguin22 :)

Please have some patience. You are asking about specific equipment and not everyone knows what you are talking about. I will move your thread to the Hardware forum where it will not go down the list as quickly as it will in Tropical Chat.

Good luck. I hope you get an answer soon. :D

Thanks :good:
Just so i have this straight.. you want to upgrade from the 65 to the 440 moving everything from the 65 to the 440, filters,gravel, fish and all?

If thats the case it might work. after all your filters are cycled for your current fish load, the only difference is the bigger tank volume. check the flow rate/GPH (gallons per hour) on the fluval's and figure out how many times per hour they will filter the tank.

The fluvals have sponge media right? can you put the media into the new filter?
Or if the media in the fluvals is not to cruddy you can squeeze the sponges right in the tank, the bacteria will colonize the new filter. Then put the sponges back in the fluvals and run all three.

Don't add any fish for a while and keep a close eye on your water stats (ammonia).
I just looked up the fluvals.. between the two they will filter 150 gallons per hour. that said the two combined will turn the tank over less than 1-1/2 times per hour. but like i said the filters are cycled for you current fish load.

Its a tough decision..but i would do it if it were me, but i also like experimenting, Wait and see what someone else thinks.

could something go wrong?- yes, will it?- who knows for sure. hopefully all that would happen is a mini cycle and you would have to do water changes.
You could play it safe and fishless cycle the new tank using media from one of your cycled filters to seed the tank.
What you are talking about is cloning a tank; taking the cycled filter media from the filters on your old tank and putting them on your new tank. This is absoloutely fine. I have done it a number of times. I cycled one FW tank with fish in it and the next 7-10 tanks I have since set up have all been cloned from existing media.

I would not worry about flowrates at this point in time, for short term you will have no issues. Filtering is far more about having enough bacteria to deal with the waste than how often the water is cycled through the filter, especially as you will have a small bioload for a much larger tank.

Basically (if possible) you want the bigger tank set up as well as the new tank. Make sure the temperature and pH of the new water is roughly the same as the old tank and then connect up the filters, turn them on and throw all the fish in.

Job done.
Thanks for the replys they are very good :good: I really do need to put the two fish in right away as they wont have a filter left in their tank if im to give new tank all I can bacteria wise. I think I will set up tank with water,heaters and new filter for a day then on 2nd day add sponge from 3rd tank to new filter and run 2 old filters alongside it with fish and old sand from old tank. Hope it works.

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