Changing gravel

Should I switch out all the gravel at one time, or do it in two batches?

  • You can do it all at once.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • To be on the safe side, you should do half now and the other half in a week.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You should DEFINITELY do half now, and the other half in a week.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I know, that's the funny thing!!! I've had this particular filter for 14 months prior to this incident. You would think that SOME bacteria would have still been in the filter......I don't "clean" it when I change media........ :sick: There's all these snails in there :sick: :sick: It was just really wierd that my gravel held that much bacteria???
Did you do a water change at the time of changing gravel perhaps due to there being more mess than you expected?!? Perhaps with water you didn't dechlorinate thus knocking out the bacteria population. That is the only thing I can think of, off hand.
NOPE :no: I never add water before dechlorinating but I did clean off all my plants that same night.........with bleach water :nod: But I rinsed, rinsed, rinsed and then rinsed some more in HOT water and also let them sit out and dry for about 20 minutes....... :dunno: But I used soooo little bleach that I just wouldn't think that would do it :/ But, you never know......perhaps.....

Wait, I also was medicating at the time because of an ongoing fungus problem......hence the "cleaning like mad" that I was doing!!! :-(
The medication wouldn't kill the bacteria (I don't think :unsure: ), it would be the exessive cleaning that would do it.

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