I just did something similar (installed fluorite under my old gravel bed) because my substrate wasn't quite deep enough for plants.
Since I had a spare tank...
- I put about 50% fresh water in the empty tank, and then filled it the rest of the way with water from the current tank.
- After I made sure the water temps were close I netted the fish out and moved them over.
- Quickly set-up the heater, and filters on the spare tank.
- Pulled all the plants out and stuck them in a bucket of tank water
- Pulled out the rock work and stuck all of that in the sink for a scrub
- Drained the main tank and scooped all the gravel out into a container
- Cleaned up any hard water stains etc on the tank, background, covers, etc with mild vinegar solution and gave everything a good rinse
- Rinsed all the new gravel (fluorite is a PITA to rinse without access to a garden hose btw), put that in and then the old on top.
- Filled the tank back up partially, let it settle for awhile
(Day 2)
- Gave the plants a good pruning. Divided some of the crypts, split some of the anubias, etc
- Replanted everything (which I most likely should have done before I refilled the tank, but meh)
- Ran a filter stuffed with poly-fill to help clear out any remaining dust
(Day 3)
- Refilled the tank at the right temperature
- Moved the fish back
- Moved the filters, heaters, etc back over
All done! Phew...
I'd say the only one that was really unhappy was the ram, and that was only while in the spare tank...most likely because it was bare bottom on a metal stand (e.g. clear view to the floor way down below
). He was fine again once he got "home" despite it having been rearranged.