Changing Food types


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
As most of you know, I recently got a pair of new fish, one halfmoon boy, and one super delta butterfly female (from a halfmoon-halfmoon pairing, from what I was led to understand from the seller.)

Anyway, these fish were being fed live food, and I just switched them over to flaked.

On average, how long did it take you to switch your fish from live to flaked, or from pellet to flaked?

Lucky, my new boy, decided to give flaked a whirl today (I got him sunday, I didn't feed monday, gave bloodworms mixed with flaked yesterday, now he is on solid flake and liking iit today.)

Somewhere on the Betta forum here was an excellent post about how to train your Betta to accept new foods. I can paraphrase but it would be best to find it. I read it just a few days back. Something to do with giving one piece of their fav food and then one piece of the new food. It seems to work!
Hmm...I use all flakes and pellets and live and freezedried, alternating between feedings, with mostly flakes and pellets. The fishes eat all.

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