Changeing my filter media


New Member
Nov 8, 2004
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I have a Rena Filstar I2. I have had the filter for 3 months and apparently need to change the media. What is the best solution for doing this.

If i change the media, will my tank go into a cycle agaian.

Any informationm\advice will be greatly appreciated.


not sure what media its got or how its used...

but if its one piece of foam then if you can cut it in half and replace half now and half in a few weeks time.

it your doing that you can also thoroughly clean the half you take out as it may be used again.
Is the filter media totally intact? If so, don't change it and even if it's not you can probably still use it. Manufacturers seem to insist that filter media is changed monthy/quarterly and it's nonsense. Your tank would have to cycle agaiun if you took it out. I only chage my media under 2 circumstances:

1) When I take some to put in a new filter (replacing it with new)
2) When the media is literally falling apart - I have yet to do this and I've been keeping fish for 3 years

The only thing that needs to be changed is carbon if you use it. If you do need to change sponge, what smithrc is the best way to go. Cut it in half and do half at a time with a fairly long period of time inbetween.

Hope this helps.

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