Changed To Sand, Now Regret It


Fish Fanatic
Sep 29, 2012
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I changed from gravel to sand a few weeks ago and although I much prefer the look of sand, I just cope with it always looking a mess :-(

Literally 2 mins after cleaning it, it's covered in poop again, so I think I'm admitting defeat and changing back to gravel :-(
Even better when you have plec's kicking it up everywhere! Clean mine once a week and it's not so bad.
so clean it properly the first time, rather than hiding the problem with gravel ?!?!?
so clean it properly the first time, rather than hiding the problem with gravel ?!?!?

How do you mean 'clean it properly the first time'??

I clean it properly thank you, however my fish are poop machines and very shortly after cleaning it is covered in poop again

Cleaning it any differently won't stop fish from pooping.....
All fish excrete.  Whether you use gravel or sand makes no difference.  Sand is better though because you can see it and therefore get it out easily.  If you do it daily it should only take 10 minutes or so.  Or as someone said above, get darker sand.  But the faster you remove the mess healthier your aquarium will be.
I do tank cleaning every 3-4 days with gravel which I prefer to twice a day with sand.
Royston said:
I clean my sand once a week and it looks fine...... Pampers have started doing little fish nappys now which aren't to pricey :)
What will they think of next ;)

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