Changed Standard Juwel Tubes For Arcadia


Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Norfolk , UK
My tank with standard juwel rio 180 30w tubes looking dull yellow and a bit poo

and now with arcadia original tropical and arcadia freshwater. Much brighter even though the wattage is the same.(the difference looks greater in real life but to get an idea look at the cherry barbs under the root thingy)
I like how your fish are in pretty much the same position in both photos, it's made alot of a difference! I personally think a black background and adding black sand will finish things off.

Hi Johnny,

Yes I did exactly the same in my RIO125, the Arcadia tubes are much bettter than the Juwel ones, which are very dull. The Arcadia lights are also much better for plant growth in my opinion.

I've just bought a rio 180 and so am a bit unsure about these things.

Can you just swap the tubes and leave everything else as supplied?
I like how your fish are in pretty much the same position in both photos, it's made alot of a difference! I personally think a black background and adding black sand will finish things off.

Yeah I know what you mean Neal, this was my first tank and knowing f all about it at the time I grabbed the standard gravel and a cheesy tropical background -_- . If I were to do it again I would get some of them really thin dark roof slates and silicone em inside the back before I started(hindsight is a wonderous thing) not sure about black sand though that would be a real light muncher but sand in general looks cooler than gravel.

I've just bought a rio 180 and so am a bit unsure about these things.

Can you just swap the tubes and leave everything else as supplied?

Yeah you can!!! Get an arcadia 'original tropical tube' which is purply-bluey looking and stick in the back and an arcadia 'freshwater' which is whitey looking for the front. The difference is amazing 8) .

Still I think in general im making it better looking.Heres how it started off, with bad choices such as naff skull ornament, central back bubble curtain and plants planted in more or less a straight row!!!

I was trolling through many posts trying to find out if it would be worth upgrading my lighting system from Juwel to Arcadia and your post is exactly the hard evidence I needed!

Thanks for your post, it's greatly apprechiated!

Should help improve my Juwel Trigon 190 :) The lighting is abysmal.
I've got a juwel rio 70 and the tube has gone,i went to pets at hoem today but wasnt sure if the Arcadia ones were right can anyone tell me which one i need please?
Cool fish u have with ur angel fish. It looks gr8. The tank also is very nice.

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