Changed My Substrate


Mar 7, 2011
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we changed our 29 gallon tank from gravel to sand. i still have fine particals or sand floating in the tank any ideas how to remove these from the tank i have a sponge filter and a fluval plus 2 running as well as my 105 external filter looks really good tho, but might have lost some borelli fry in the process :(
Extra poly-sponge/filter floss should pick it up. Shame about the fry :( I'd love some borellis but just can't get them round here and are so expensive to order from LFS.
i had 5 borelli and can only find 1 :( i order mine from ebay. I have now got alacrina, cacatouides gold and trip red, borelli and macmasteri i love apistos :)
Sounds like you have the bug for them! :)

Filter wool/floss/cotton wool will remove the sand particles from the water along with some good water changes.

Remember to rinse all your filter media and impeller in old (sand free) tank water as it can cause alot of damage to it.
ok thanks will try that tomorrow, look out for steve1572 on ebay he got some lovely apistos

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