Chuck Norris is the reason why waldo's hiding
OoOoOoOo. Ski is starting a nano. Can't wait until he comes out of the closet and starts his Journal
Well, if you ask me, thats overkill lighting for the corals you listed. You might even burn your mushrooms with a halide in a shallow tank such as a 10g. zoos and an open brain would do great in there, as would a hammer. If you want something to encrust, you might want to go with a favites brain for an easy one, or if you want something a little more difficult, blastomussa or acanthestrea
If you want to keep any LPS corals in a nano, you'll NEED calc and alk test kits and you'll need to dose longterm. When the tank is young your aragonite sand should buffer the corals' uptake of calc/alk but as the tank ages it'll deplete calcium and alkalinity.
Sand should be around 1.5" deep and no deeper than 2"
Snails, I'd add 2 cerith, 2 nassaurius, and 1 trochus to the 5 scarlets and 1 cleaner
If I were stocking I'd use a single clown and a goby/pistolshrimp pair if I were to make a 10g (and I've been considering it )
Lol, omg that guy who built the 55 stole all my hood ideas... Mine's allready 3/4 made and it looks just like his. Anyways, my diabolical nano plans are on complete hold until I finish my hardware modificatoins to my 45. Prolly be at least a couple months, so dont hold your breath
And by the way what is the dimenshins of a 20 long
Sounds great, just one suggestion... Biowheels are not ideal for marine aquaria, especially nano aquaria. They can become nitrate traps in a hurry. I'd toss the wheel itself if you still have it and just use the thing as a hang on for both circulation and for running carbon/phosphate bags