Change Of Decor In Discus Tank


Fish Crazy
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
im not sure where to put this post so ill put it here,

basically i have a rio 400 with discus in it, now im keeping all the stock the same but just changed the decor and wondered how people had gone about it before.

removing the bog wood etc is simple, but what do people do about removing the substrate (in my case its sand to b replaced with black gravel)

obv ill wash all the new gravel and have it ready to go in assoon as i remove the old sand,

is it just a case of simply using a NEW dust pan and scooping it out of the tank? i wont be emptying the tank as its stocked.

thanks luke
Never actually had to do this myself but I would imagine that so long as you turn your filter off whilst you are removing the sand (to prevent loose sand being sucked into filter) you can scoop it out with something - e.g. a plastic cup/container or new dustpan to get the bulk of it, then you could use a turkey baster to suck up any smaller quantities that are hard to get.

I think I'd try and syphon it out.
it wont siphon, ive had it in nearly 2 years n havent hardly lost any siphoning it out so id be there for ever! think ill try "scoop" the bulk out then siphon the remaining bits

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