Chaca Chaca


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
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Cheshire, UK
Hi ive seen someone who sells Chaca Chaca, and i was wondering how many could be kept in a 38 US gallon tank?
Ive looked them up on planetcatfish, and i know some things about their requirements, like pH etc. But i wasnt sure about stocking....Its says they arent too active, but still, they get to 7"....

Thanks, Mikey
How many 7" rocks could you fit into the tank without stacking them or having them touch each other?

Take this number and then halve it and thats how many chaca's you can have.
:lol: Are they interesting?
They sound quite cool, but i just wonder if they would be very active etc. (well i know they wont be active...but more interesting)

I wanted one, though my plans changed mainly as I couldn't find one and I change my mind, quickly and often :)

Not very interesting really, though I like them.

Also they need live fish as a diet if you didn't know. Though some people have got them to take dead I believe.
The're kind a cool reminds me of freshwater lionfish or toadfish, but mostly they sit :/ .

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