ceylons and fig8's


Nov 25, 2004
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after much deliberation i have decided to use the 30g thats currently holding my barbs for another puffer tank once they move to their new tank. A local shop has some nice ceylons (fluvitalis) at about 3" w/o tail at the mo, and another has much smaller fig8's (biocellatus) at about 2". They are both in freshwater at the mo (i would increase the SG to light brackish over forthcoming months/weeks) but do you think that i could get away with one ceylon and 2 figure 8's in a 30 US Gallon?
No, you will not. I'd be very sceptical about mixing puffers, and even about putting more than one of the same puffers in the same tank. I'd say you could get by with the two Figure Eight puffers in your thirty gallon provided it's of a proper specific gravity, but I'd recommend avoiding the Ceylon.
TorPeteO said:
No, you will not. I'd be very sceptical about mixing puffers, and even about putting more than one of the same puffers in the same tank. I'd say you could get by with the two Figure Eight puffers in your thirty gallon provided it's of a proper specific gravity, but I'd recommend avoiding the Ceylon.
What he said.
ok, cheers for that. now i guess i got to decide whether i want to go for two fig8's or one ceylon then, unless there was a specific reason you advise against ceylons?

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