Ceramic Rings


New Member
Nov 11, 2012
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hi, those ceramic rings in the cagey part of filter. do u really need that? see i heard of people just putting a sponge there instead. i wonder what your views are here.
I would keep them. If they came with the filter there needed. Sponges would lower the output as well.
They can certainly be replaced so are not exactly 'needed' but I personally find them better to work with than sponges for holding bacteria because they don't get all blocked up and will not break down. Is there any particular reason you want to replace them?
the rings are good. depending on which ones you'v got some come with little pours some are smooth. the smooth ones filter out all the partials in the water. there maniacal filtration the ones with pours do the same but also provide a surface area for bacteria.

it all depends if you need more bio filtration if your tank cant cope with the ammonia produced then replace them to get more bacteria in there to keep it down. although if it doesn't need anymore keep them because it keeps the water looking cleaner

hope this helps
hi, those ceramic rings in the cagey part of filter. do u really need that? see i heard of people just putting a sponge there instead. i wonder what your views are here.

the short answer is no, you do not need THEM but you need something in their place....sponge, foam, or bio balls would also work
ok thanks for the advice there. i was just wondering thats all. cheers.

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