Centre Piece Fish...


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
I want a fish has a centre piece for my community tank,the tank and fish i have at the mo are down below in my sig... :)

Any suggestions or ideas greatly appreciated :good:

A pair of apistogramma or bolivian rams would be fine. But beware, they will go after the platy fry before you can get them in traps.

People say they eat small fish but I have had about 5 all grown huge and never touched a shole of small neons, or even juvi guppies.
The first thing you should do is buy 3 more corys, they do better in a shoal of 6+.
agree ive got 8 serbai cory are there always in a tight school and are now very active
Thanks everyone, :)

I intend on getting some more cories anyway,i got the 3 yesterday,2 are very active,all over the place,but one is in hiding,think its very young still,very short barbels compared to the other 2 cories,but they are fab!,just hope the solo one makes it. :rolleyes:

I am aiming for gouramis,which type are peaceful and is it ok to put them in pairs?
gouramis,which type are peaceful and is it ok to put them in pairs?

ive seen that the 3 spot is the most active chaser, he chases the dwarf and pearls alot.
the pearls seem not to bully or chase anyone except the dwarf, and it does not seem aggressive.
the dwarf it seems if left by its self will annoy other fish.
so my votes on a pearl, does not look as beautiful as the others but has longer feelers and much more graceful in the water
unfortunately one cory died luchtime :sad: ,but after lfs double checked my water they replaced it :good: so now i have 6 cories :)

I will look into info on the gourami's :good: any more suggestions to which type of gourami,single or a pair?

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