central american


New Member
Feb 25, 2005
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A friend gave me 7 cichlids which are about 1 inche long. She also gave me a few that are only 1/4 inche long. The inchers are freely swimming in my 50 gallon tank and doing great. I do have two large gold fish that will be returning to their outdoor pond in a month and they are not agressive. I am concerned about letting the little ones out of the breeding net as I dont' want them eaten. How big should they get before they can be introduced to the inche long ones and the gold fish?

that all depends on your gold fish... which you know better than us. Maybe try introducing one feeder fish of the same size as your chiclids and see how the gold fish reacts. If he/she will live peacefully with a 1/4" guppy than Im sure he/she'll do fine with the same size chiclid.
No, I don't think they are that small. They are actually probably closer to 1/3 an inch and the incher's mouths aren't remotely that large. In fact the inchers can barely get the special tiny food I bought them in their mouths and actually carry it around and that food is pretty small circles.

Do you think the goldfish would eat them? I know they are not agressive so I can't see them doing that but I just didn't want to do anything too stupid until the goldfish are moved out to the pond.


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