Centipede Knife

As far as diet is concerned, I would assume that it would be similar to that of any other knife. It would probably be easy to find info. on more of the common species on the goog.
As with other members of the Sternopygidae genus small live and possibly frozen foods such as bloodworm, earthworms and small shrimp should make up the bulk of its diet. All the Steatogenys are extreemly sensative to water quality so care should be taken to keep nitrate levels below 40ppm and provide a neutral to slightly acid pH.
As with other members of the Sternopygidae genus small live and possibly frozen foods such as bloodworm, earthworms and small shrimp should make up the bulk of its diet. All the Steatogenys are extreemly sensative to water quality so care should be taken to keep nitrate levels below 40ppm and provide a neutral to slightly acid pH.

Thank you for the information you provided. I bought 30 live Ghost Glass Shrimp from a LPS as well as a supply of frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp. I've noticed a definite decline in the population of the live shrimp over the past few days and a much noticed improvement in the knife's general well being. I do know he or she is nocturnal. I get quite the kick waking up early and using the night-shot mode on my digital camera which acts like a night vision scope and being able to see what goes on in total darkness. Thank you again for helping answer my questions no matter how trivial and helping me make an informed decision on the health of my fish.

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