Centerpiece Fish

Watch out with Paradise fish. I bought 2 pairs initially not knowing the males would fight, I returned one to the store and it settled things down but it turns out all of them were arseholes.

They decided that my swordtails didn't need heir eyes anymore and were just general bullies who tormented everyone else in my tank so badly that they all went back to the store. I wouldn't go down that route again.
spongy said:
Watch out with Paradise fish. I bought 2 pairs initially not knowing the males would fight, I returned one to the store and it settled things down but it turns out all of them were arseholes.

They decided that my swordtails didn't need heir eyes anymore and were just general bullies who tormented everyone else in my tank so badly that they all went back to the store. I wouldn't go down that route again.
I really want Ellioti Cichlids but I can not for the life of me find ONE place that sells them. There are no classified postings with any that I can find in my state or every state around me. I can tell that once I do find a pair, I'm going to pay an arm and a leg for them which I can't do right now with college coming up. So I think I'm going to get a pair of Bolivian Rams as they are easily available around here and I really do like the look of them. (not as much as Ellioti's though) So hopefully today I will be able to get a pair.
Worth checking the other Thorichthys group members. Helleri and Aureus are very similar. There's also the name Thorichthys maculipinnis, which is often described as the same fish as ellioti, so it's worth making sure that you're not missing those.
what about a Thorichthys meeki? Would a single one be suitable or are they only suitable for a cichlid only tank?
Pretty much all of them have the same requirements.
sputnick said:
I really want Ellioti Cichlids but I can not for the life of me find ONE place that sells them. There are no classified postings with any that I can find in my state or every state around me. I can tell that once I do find a pair, I'm going to pay an arm and a leg for them which I can't do right now with college coming up. So I think I'm going to get a pair of Bolivian Rams as they are easily available around here and I really do like the look of them. (not as much as Ellioti's though) So hopefully today I will be able to get a pair.
Have you tried asking on the ACA forum? There might not be a classified, but there might be someone who is breeding them but still hasn't grown them to saleable size, or is considering changing fish and hasn't quite decided, or they might know where to look for them.
It is after all the American Cichlid Association, i'm sure the'll willingly try their best to help you.
Well I feel that it would be best if I avoided the Thorichthys fish until I get a larger tank. I don't want to get them and be unable to provide good enough care for them. I know I could eventually do it but I don't have the confidence at this point in time to keep them. I think I'm going to go with a pair of Bolivian Rams which I am confident that I can provide a good home for. Leaving for the fish store to pick a pair up right now. 
 (hopefully they still have them. they had quite a few on Saturday.) I even re-aquascaped my tank a bit to add a few more hiddy holes and caves. I also plan on getting a few plants to add some more green to the tank. I will post pictures tonight if all goes well and they are settled by then.
Laudable attitude. Go for the bolivian rams, I'm sure you'll really like them!
Bolivians are lovely fish. Highly underrated.
Well I'm back! I was only going to get 2 originally but the girl helping me fished out two nice healthy females and then finally got a male so I decided what the hey! I got two females (from what I can tell  ) and one male. I looked at the reproduction thingy as well as the tail fins. I'm 99% positive on my sexing but I still could be wrong. I also picked up Microsorium pteropus based on the fact that I hear these are relatively easy plants as well as a Cryptocoryne Balansae and a Cryptocoryne Undulata. So hopefully These will do well in my aquarium. The rams are in the acclimation process right now and I will post pictures once they have settled and I turn the lights back on.
Well I got them in and they seemed to be doing fine so I turned on the small light so I wouldn't scare them and snapped a few pictures. After watching them for a while I think I made a mistake and got two males one female. 
Ill keep watching them to see if I can tell a little bit better later on. Anyways here are the pictures! I appologise about the terrible quality though so be warned!
Here is my new scape with all my plant in, I made at lease one rock cave which they can hide in if need be. 
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