Centerpiece Fish

wait wait wait maybe i have the wrogn fish ah ha lol, no no no i have three! lol j/k no im looking at the hawaiian bristletooth, well i guess i got stale info on it ;( w/e hey if you go to live aquaria they have alot of pygmy angel fish that you can browse through those are for a 30 gal so im not sure if i helped any, but i think that a clown is a good fish, im looking for a centerpeice fish too! i wanted a flame angel but im having second thoughts now :( idno what to get so maybe you could help me out too ill keep my eye out tho ! WHAT ABOUT A PANTHER GROUPER !!!!! ha ha ha lol j/k ;)
well the tank will be 32" long so Im thinking maybe a coral beauty. Possibly a purple puesdo as a second fish...not sure yet.
If only one fish, and you don't plan on many shrimp in the cleanup crew, you could always consider a frogfish. a 30 gallons would house anythign that has a size up to 8".

You could keep a pair of Antennarius maculatus in a tank that size. Very bright and an amazing ability to change colour.
well i was originally considering a lionfish. But I was thinking about it and I would really like to keep shrimp. However before I fully make up my mind I will consider which species are the niftyist.
You could possibly have a fuzzy dwarf in there but any other lionfish would be just too big. A Frogfish / fuzzy dwarf combo might work, or if you want to keep shrimp you could stick with the original idea of a dwarf angel (coral beauty etc.) and have a couple of gobies aswell.

royal grammas are a lil too agressive for me, i have seen one take down a tang. i know they are supposed to be peaceful but i know what my eyes saw :l

hey if you shop around there are some very colorful pajama cardinals out there and they have very cool swimming habbits and i think the bangaii cardinal is also very cool, flame angel.. there lots of cool fish my next one is a flame. im not sure but if you research a midnight angel..... those r cool but i dont know how small of a tank they can be in..
Well...after much thought and deliberation...I decided to go with 3 fish total. The volume of the tank is going to be 35 us gallons. I will be going with the coral beauty, and a pair of b+w clowns. Do you think I could get away with a purple psuedo in there or not? I think I may be pushing it with three.

I really wanted to do a lion, but I think I will save that for my next tank.
na you wouldnt be pushing it if you have descent filtration i have a 30 gal, and have about 4 fish and im probably gonna get two more you just need to moniter the water much more carefully, i do weekly water changes about 20% and its been stable... ammonia .0, nitrite .0 nitrate .5 and everything else checks average... but my lfs tried to get my to get a copperband butterfly and im glad i didnt cuz it was small wich is fine for the moment but im not sure how long it will be until i upgrade and stuff... it was a good deal too i watched em feed it. but ya that sounds cool there is another pygmy angel out ther that has the same coloration as the coral beauty but its all orange and i guess it depends if its reef safe like every fish you never know! well not every fish but you know what i mean.. eventually i will have a 90 gal filtration system that im saving up for and it will over filtrate and i can get some more things but not for the main tank the sump in the 90 gal filtration is 20 gallons itself so ill make another tank in that with more fishies!!! yay but im not sure i want a mantis shrimp my lfs has one that the guy they ordered it for never picked it up... so if i get that sump its goin in it. then maybe a lion fish in the sump if thatd work. i think a mantis wouldnt get a lionfish but i dno maybe hmmm well ya 35 ide say 5 would be safe 6-7 would be the most and youd need to watch your water carefully. :) just my input ive known few people or heard of few who had ALOT OF fish in small tanks and kept it succesfully like schooling fish.. the only thing that i dont liek is its cruel they cant go to many places....

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