"center Piect" Fish.


New Member
Mar 14, 2007
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I have just got my 50ltr tank cycled a fortnight ago and so far have only 2 zebra danios and 6 neon tetras in there (the latter were todays addition)

I am looking for a pair of medium sized "showy" fish to finish the tanks off (im not a fan of highly stocked tanks)

i thought about Rams (then learned they dont happily accept flake and have had bad look in the past with fish dieing of anorexia so to speak) then thought about glass catfish, but have an arcadia luminaire sporting two 15Watt tubes and apparently the glass catfish dont much appreciate strong light. So i am left in a jam, cant decide what to get, i just know i dont want anything like guppies or Betta's

Let me have your educated suggestions please!! i intend to post some pics of the thank when its finished, still not looking as i want it to tho (off the roll background is the most gairish gaudy tack i have ever used!!! roll on the wall paper and acrylic paints!!!)


Not sure about the centerpiece fish, but the danios would appreciate some friends. I would add at least 2-3 more zebras to make them happy.
How about some Gourami's or Kribensis?

You would only need a couple of Gourami's or a Male & Female Krib.
They are both quite a showy fish, you can get both of these with some lovely colouration

And Kribensis have interesting behaviour.


With the stock you currently have, you are pretty close to fully stocked already. You only have about 13 gallons and based on the 1" per gallon guide, you are already at 14". I definitely don't think you have room for 2 medium sized fish (I consider medium sized to be 5 to 6 inches long). While the danios would prefer company, they also like a lot of swimming room and your tank is probably a little small for them.
I definitely don't think you have room for 2 medium sized fish (I consider medium sized to be 5 to 6 inches long)..... Thanks for that, but i consider a molly to be a medium sized fish, i suppose its all based upon our individual perceptions (especially when we are talking small tanks!!!)

While the danios would prefer company, they also like a lot of swimming room and your tank is probably a little small for them......I have kept 6 danios alone in an 18x12x12 tanks with huge sucess, never had a fatality or any sickness, only moving house put pay to this!!!
ha ha, that was a prety awful quote setup!!!

i like the idea of kribs, perhaps the albino ones!! not so sure about the gouramis, had kissings gouramis before (i think they were the most odd freaky looking fish i ever kept!!!)

This is the type of reply i like!!!! keep them coming!!!

By the way, just to add to details, i run an undergravel with 4 inches of fine gravel (not included in the tank volume stated) and an eheim powerball powerhead, coupled with an air-driven box filter sporting floss and activated carbon!!!
When I said they need company, I didn't mean then they needed some tetras and barbs, etc. to sit around and chat. I mean then need more of their own species. The 6 you had together would be perfectly fine and the 2 he has now would prefer to have 4 more in with them.
By the way, just to add to details, i run an undergravel with 4 inches of fine gravel (not included in the tank volume stated)...

4" from front to back? Why? You could get by with less than half that amount and still have effective filtration while increasing your water volume.

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