I recently visited the Bluereef Aquarium in Portsmouth, and noticed a lot of their aquatic, and amphib' tanks have what looks like cement walls.
I have built a great stuff and silicone background in my darts tank, and polytyrene and tile grout / sand fake walls in my gecko tank, and feel my toad tank without a backing just looks a bit bare.
I am tempted to build a cliff wall in my FB Toads tank, but am unsure how to make it. I asked in Bluereef, but the staff working that day couldnt help.
Does anyone know what is used? I'm guessing they also painted it as it was various colours / shades.
Would it be polystyrene behind it, like my geckos tank, as otherwise I would have thought it would be really heavy...
Asking here as guessing its made in a simialr way to Malawi tank backgrounds etc.
I have built a great stuff and silicone background in my darts tank, and polytyrene and tile grout / sand fake walls in my gecko tank, and feel my toad tank without a backing just looks a bit bare.
I am tempted to build a cliff wall in my FB Toads tank, but am unsure how to make it. I asked in Bluereef, but the staff working that day couldnt help.
Does anyone know what is used? I'm guessing they also painted it as it was various colours / shades.
Would it be polystyrene behind it, like my geckos tank, as otherwise I would have thought it would be really heavy...
Asking here as guessing its made in a simialr way to Malawi tank backgrounds etc.