Celestial Pearl Danio

Actually we're not disagreeing, not at any rate on the important issues. My comment on small fish being lost in large tanks is simply aesthetic; I can see them better in smaller vistas.
Strange thing is they show very different behaviour in a species only tank or a community tank.
My experience is that in a species only (smaller tank) they are quite skittish (even in a bigger school). In a communitytank they change in more bold fishies (the first to examen your hand in the tank for instance) and even the first to go after food. They'll school less, females live in and around their "own" plant. Males use to swim through the whole tank and visit the females now and then.
I quit keeping and breeding them cause of the different medical issues that they show (in both situations). Getting thin, bloat, show strange spots aso.

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I quit keeping and breeding them cause of the different medical issues that they show (in both situations). Getting thin, bloat, show strange spots aso.

Yes, CPD's are not a particularly "hardy" specie at all. Quite fragile really. The numbers of CPD's I've lost over time is quite surprising despite having no losses of the endlers and lambchops rasborars at all.

Also they're not very cheap, usually around £3.95 to £4.95 for each little fish.

What i'd like to find is a reputable breeder of these little CPD's in the UK have not found anyone to date so having to stay with LFS store ones for the time being.
Update....I have decided to move the sole CPD to another tank so I can give him some friends. It is a 15 gal tank that has been running for a year. For the last 2 months there have been no fish in it. I emptied it and left the substrate and filter alone. I filled the tank with half new water and half water from my existing 75 gal to replicate the water after a normal 50% change that I do. Since I have a cycled filter, substrate and 50% water should I be ok to assume the tank is ready? I also added some plants from my other tank. The only difference is I am going I going to lower temp by 4 degrees to help with new CPD's I will get. I tested water and parameters are the same in both.
Cycled filter and substrate will help things along very quickly.

No point in adding 50% tank water as that has little bacteria if at all.

A sole CPD is one thats going to be stressed to the max as they do much better in groups tbh.
Thanks for the info. The whole reason I am doing this tank is so he doesn't have to be alone anymore. He was a fish I adopted and I have tried multiple times to add a school to my 75 gal. Everytime the fish died or disappeared. This guy just keeps ticking. My plan is to have only CPD's in new tank with some shrimp and snails. I am not rushing it though. He has been alone for awhile and doing quite well so a week or two more is worth it to be sure everything is ok.
I meantioned quiting with those fish. Guess what happened : My son moves to anpther house and needed to empty his tanks. CPD's and microrasbora temporarily in one of mine.

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On that last picture, looks like one of these is a Emerald Danio unless its down the blurry pic :lol:

Seems you are from NL, Netherlands, otherwise if you were nearby I would take these from your hands if you did not want them. I have both Emeralds and CPD's (in different tanks) I like these little guys :)

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