Cave Man!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2006
Reaction score
Telford, Shrops. UK
Looking for suggestions on this one, one of those open ended what fish should i get type things.


I have a nice big cave under a rock structure in my tank and would love to get something fish or otherwise that would call this home. Just a grumpy old man type that will chase trespassers and things like that. Any suggestions? Oh i have a 3 1/2 foot tank with around 140l of water that is no where near fully stocked. Still in the planning stages on this one.

Thanks in advance for any help on this one.
I would not say that its fully stocked... I would simply have to say that the tank is not larg enough for clown loaches. And its probably only just big enough for the red rainbows.

Sorry to be all negative... just the way it is.

Anybody else feel that clown loaches should not be sold? Most people don't have tanks big enough for them.
Don't clown loaches reach up to 12 inches? Your pretty close to fully stocked

It can take up to 20 years for clowns to reach full size. I have had mine for 5 years and are now reaching 4.5". If your clowns ever out grow your tank you can return them to a LFS for some really good cash. A friend took her 6" in and got $45 a head. So with that in mind no he is not overstocked as long as he keeps in mine some times way in the future he can trade them in.

(But do not put these loaches in a small tank, they do need room to play and swim. They will not work in your 10 gal.)
Don't clown loaches reach up to 12 inches? Your pretty close to fully stocked

yeah i heard they do, after my lfs suggested them! For now they are only 2" at most and i have a friend with a MONSTER tank that he said i can donate them too if i ever need. But with the current size of them, and my rainbows only at 2 1/5" themselfes i would say i have quite a bit of space to fill.
It can take up to 20 years for clowns to reach full size. I have had mine for 5 years and are now reaching 4.5".

What size tank do you have them in?

I got some clown loaches for my 120 litre tank before doing research and discovering how large they got. They were about 1.5 to 2 inches, but in less than 6 months had grown to around 4 inches and had to be rehomed.

They might grow slowly (although from my experience, iniially they do not), but probably more so when placed in tanks too small.
Ok, its got 126 litres of water in (thats actual water, not dimensions) which is 3 1/2 foot long. So the loaches should be ok for a few years however if they do outgrow the tank then they can easily be rehomed.

sorry if this sounds arsy but can anyone answer the origional question?

It can take up to 20 years for clowns to reach full size. I have had mine for 5 years and are now reaching 4.5".

your tank must be too small too then.

ive had my clowns about 3 months and theyve added atleast an inch to there length.

got one who must be boss and get most food cos hes huge compared to the others.
I don't know how many gallons that is and I don't feel like doing calculations. Sounds to me like your looking for a rainbow shark. they need a little more than 30 gallons should be kept singly and need pretty rough tankmates. Trouble is they are more aggressive towards fish that look similair to them. I think clown loaches fit into this category.

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