Cats And Heart Murmurs


Fish Herder
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Queensbury, NY
after what i thought was a routine trip to the vet for shots. my going on 9 year old cat was discovered to have a heart murmor.

i still have to work out what this means, i was wondering if anyone else has a cat with this. if they could give me a support and suggestions what it could be could help

My cat was diagnosed with a heart murmur about 10 or so years ago. I had to take her to a specialist for an ultrasound after her regular vet discovered it and she was put on a quarter of a pill of something (don't remember the name of the medicine, but it is the same medicine that my mom takes for her high blood pressure..atenol maybe?) I cut the pill in quarters and smash it up with a mortar and pestal each day and sprinkle it on her food.

She is 18 now and doing well (fingers crossed). She has been through the ringer, having lost an eye, some teeth, and part of an ear through the years, and has a thyroid disorder, but she is a sweet little cat.

Best wishes to your cat and don't worry, it isn't the end of the world.


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