
Well, if you see any more traps around then the first thing I would do is set it off (so no cats will be able to get trapped- poke the mechanism with a stick of something) and maybe leave some sort of a note- at least then, if it does happen to be something legit, you'll find out, and if you don't get a response it's fair game. I'm not sure how the particular trap works, but application of a padlock would give them a fun time, or even some cable ties for a quick fix that sends a pretty clear message.
Oh my that is so weird... We have a cat named One Eyed Jack! A beautiful Siamese mix who showed up several christmases ago with one big beautiful eye... but he's far from feral, he's total lovebunny... likes to cuddle with my pet rabbit and dog.

I'd set off all the traps and leave notes in them asking to see their trapping license... inform them that if a license is not presented, then the authorities will be involved. If they seem to stop, make sure to keep an eye to make sure they didn't just get sneakier.

This is why I love living out in the boonies... everyone knows that the policy with us 'country folk' is "Trespassers will be shot; Survivors will be shot again!" :lol:

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