Catfish Id Help


Spishkeys Turtle Rescue
Jun 20, 2008
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i have asked many times on here for help id'ing one of my catfish and still nobody seems to know what it is.
so as it is still bugging me after all these months, i was wondering if there is a catfish club/forum i could perhaps send some pics to in hope they may id it??

any help gratefully received!
Don't know about sending a pic in, but have you looked on to see if you can find a match?

not familiar with the case but assume the catfish specialist guys here have narrowed it down to a family or something like that but don't know the exact species? If so that should be enough to narrow down the search terms and find it from planet catfish or from :good:
how do i go about searching for an old thread? i cant remeber exactly what the people here said but they advised me about sending a pic off to someone for an id, just cant remeber where!
if it may refresh someones memory heres the pics again (fish on the left)



after a quick bit of searching im thinking perhaps something similar to angelicus x schoutedeni? but the tail and colour seems a little different........?
Do you have any more photos? If you could get some updated shots, I'd guess a side profile would be good, and then I'd add a post to the What is my catfish forum over at PlanetCatfish if it were me.
There's plenty of syno experts that will try and help, but as always, the better the pics the better the chance of an ID, especially if the fish is not a run of the mill species.
Body shape looks similar to S.brichardi to my untrained eye - how long have you had it, and what was it sold as? Size now?
ive had it 6 months or so, i got it with a tank i bought off ebay so its age is anyones guess. the fish is roughly 18-20cm long. it hides most of the time so its very difficult to get another picture :( i dont see it for weeks at a time then you'll see it dart across the tank into another hidey hole.
You could try with the images you have and see what they say...

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