Catching Firefish And Maybe A Blue Tang


Apr 4, 2007
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i have a 50 gallon reef tank that has 4 firefish, a blue tang, and other fish. 3 of the firefish are always hiding and only come out for food but if any sudden movements occur they dart back into their hidy-holes. also our blue tang is about 3-4 inches and it is almost ready to go back to the lfs which they said they would take back. what would be the easiest way to catch them without taering the whole tank down? also, the blue tang is extremely fast when nervous
Yikes, good luck :). For the tang, I'd consider going fishing, literally. Find a really small fish hook, get some large enough bait, and go for it

For the firefish, I'd reccomend looking for a commercially available fishtrap. I know here in the states you can purchase "The Trap" which is an acrylic tube with trapdoor at one end, bait container at the other. Firefish swims in looking for food, close the door, done. Might even work on the tang...
Yeah, I'm totally serious. Bigger fish like tangs/angles/psuedoanthias can totally be caught that way. That's the method all the old salties in my club suggest for the fish too large for the soda bottle trap or "The Trap"
well im in the States so i might get "The Trap". where would i get it, just at my local lfs because i dont think they have those. im not to keen on the fishing idea, the tang is still pretty small about 3-4 inches so i bet he could fit in "The Trap"
Dunno, they're kind of a specialty item so not all LFS' has them. Maybe try marinedepot or champion lighting?
okay. i will also try catching one or two of the firefishes tonight when i feed them because thats when they are out.
hahaha OMG!! i work in a fish shop and the way i catch our fast marine fish is feed them. put your net in the water and leave it there for a couple of minutes until the fish are not so curious about it. drop in some food,chopped prawn or something equaly irrisistable then as soon as the required fish comes near, whip him out. try to aim to only strike upwards with the net as that way the fish wont have a clue.

my fella had to catch a clown the other day and couldnt do it. he resorted to fishing for it and he couldnt get it to bite although he is a very good fisherman

been as though you are trying to catch a few fish you'll prob have take a bit of time coz as you whip one fish out, the rest are going to realise whats happening!!!

good luck

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