Catching Baby Bn Plecs


Jun 7, 2006
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Hi all, do you have any suggestions on catching the little'uns. I cought 15 in an hour to transfer them to the fry tank. Also, can i take the breeding cave instead before they are born? If so, how is this done. eg. with or without the adult plec inside.


wots in the tank with the adults ? if nothink y not just leave the babies in there with them they dont usually harm them anyways:)

My guess would be to rather remove the parents..... chase them out with a stick & catch 'em... They are a lot hardier than the fry and would survive the "move" a lot easier....
hold a net over a bucket and syphon them out with a lrg bore piece of pipe 22mm or 25mm
works a treat never lost any fry or youngsters
wots in the tank with the adults ? if nothink y not just leave the babies in there with them they dont usually harm them anyways:)

3 clown loaches, 2 khullie loaches, 2 cherry barbs, 2 armino shrimps, 5 other adult bn's, about 10 juvinile ones, shed loads of endlers (which i want to get rid of). So this isnt too viable :(
My guess would be to rather remove the parents..... chase them out with a stick & catch 'em... They are a lot hardier than the fry and would survive the "move" a lot easier....
Would only be viable if they are the only ones in the tank :(

hold a net over a bucket and syphon them out with a lrg bore piece of pipe 22mm or 25mm
works a treat never lost any fry or youngsters
We have a winner. Will try that tomorrow. Dads tank needs a syphon out anyway.

Thanks all for your replies. Appreciate it.

I use to this with a pipe, until i noticed that the lil bugger suck on to the pipe inside and you miss some and they end up dying in the tube..

so what i tend to do now is start siphon off as normal, then suck the plecs up, then after i have finished i use a marble same size as tube and siphon it through the tube and whoopieee, the plecs come out with it lol
I use to this with a pipe, until i noticed that the lil bugger suck on to the pipe inside and you miss some and they end up dying in the tube..

so what i tend to do now is start siphon off as normal, then suck the plecs up, then after i have finished i use a marble same size as tube and siphon it through the tube and whoopieee, the plecs come out with it lol

Hehe. I have the same problem when they get into the external filter. I just submerge it in water, then hold 1 end from the top to stop the water coming out and then i let my finger go, and the force of the water gushing is enough to pull em out.
I use both the syphon method and the pull the cave method. I will take the cave with or without dad but prefer to take him along. The reason being it gives him a chance to fatten back up and rest after his ordeal. I wait for the fry to just be free swimming and then put a net over the cave and move it into a bucket of water to carry it to the new growout tank. A week or 10 days later I return the cave and the dad to the original tank.

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