Catalog Finds - Gave Me A Giggle


Fish Addict
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, Utah
Hey folks!
I was looking through my ThatFishPlace catalog today and saw 3 things that gave me a giggle :D

Check it out

(description says it's for: tropical fish, bettas and goldfish):

Crabby Patties!!!!

Do you really think a betta would flare at that?? (ref: description)
Plakat feeder???

Oh and I've seen post where ppl are concerned bout leaving their bettas for a period of time w/o food. . . I saw this, don't know if it works.

Betta Blocks

Just thought this was interesting. . and a lil funny. :p
HA! I fell prey to the betta feeder things. They turn into a bluish ball of yuck in the bottom of the tank and I don't think they even ate them. They were pretty hungry when I got back so must not have liked the menu very much!
1) Eeeeh, it might be an OK food.

2) My betta will flare at chopsticks, I think he'd flare at this. ;)

3) I've left my bettas unfed for as long as 10 days, which is the length of my standard vacation. I'd prefer to leave them unfed than overfed and in foul water. Actually, what I tend to do: change the water the day I leave, plunk a bit of IAL into the bowl (or tank), and depart. When I return, feed immediately and then do a partial change and then a full change, or several partial changes, or one big change, depending on how long I've left. Either way, my bettas resent whatever I do. :lol:

*edit: to be fair, bettas act hungry no matter what you feed 'em, happyannie. :D If they fed on the golden first bred children of honey fed fruit flies, they'd still look at you when you first walked in the front door like, "Well? Feed us!!"
*edit: to be fair, bettas act hungry no matter what you feed 'em, happyannie. :D If they fed on the golden first bred children of honey fed fruit flies, they'd still look at you when you first walked in the front door like, "Well? Feed us!!"

True that!!
Hey folks!
I was looking through my ThatFishPlace catalog today and saw 3 things that gave me a giggle :D

Check it out

(description says it's for: tropical fish, bettas and goldfish):

Crabby Patties!!!!
The nutritional info on this looks weak compared to other items that are prepared for bettas.

sukie said:
Do you really think a betta would flare at that?? (ref: description)
Plakat feeder???
I've seen this at Petco, thought it was kinda cute, but didn't buy it cuz I already have a million different things to feed my bettas.

sukie said:
Oh and I've seen post where ppl are concerned bout leaving their bettas for a period of time w/o food. . . I saw this, don't know if it works.

Betta Blocks
I've used these and they're awful. They don't really dissolve unless there is a current in the tank, and even then the blocks still might be intact weeks later. It's pretty safe to let a betta go 7 or so days without eating so there is absolutely no need for these. All they do is foul up the water.

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