Cat Vs Oscar

Nice picture. My cat tries to touch my fish with her paws and licks the glass of the tank when my Cichlids are near the glass. She's a very friendly cat and easily gets scared LoL

@ Dieses Madchen

Yeah I think Oscars and other Cichlids have small teeth. I feel it sometimes when I handfeed them. I had a very very small wound in my arm, size of a dot. My BP and Black Diamond attacked it while I was rearranging my tank. It doesnt really hurt, its more of a shock. I let them do it again :lol: But then again theyre still pretty small 5.5 - 6 inch. My 4 inch Oscar has never bitten me yet even tho I get careless on handfeeding.

My friends cousin has an oscar over 10 yrs old, size of a football. he said he let his Oscar bite his knuckles sometimes :lol:
I know my red zebrea has teeth....I havent looked taht closely on my other cichlids.
My friend has a 150 gallon saltwater setup and he handfeeds all his fish but on day he accidentally hit his lionfish scraping up it's eye and mouth. Poor thing died the next day. I liked his lionfish. At least it was an accident and not abuse or anything.
Well he has made me bleed a few times, I'm unsure if they have teeth or whether it was just pressure from his mouth.
I think i would be taking the cat for a ride somewhere and let it go through someone else cat flap! :blink:
my cat (4 months old) had taken a liking to the tank since i have had to remove a bit of glass from the top and she has had 2 acaras out of it :(

she regularly sat on the top hunting untill a few nights ago she was ready to pounce and Eric my male tiger latched onto her paw

she hasnt bothered the tank or the front room since :D

(oscars dont have teeth but have medium sized jaw muscles that do hurt if they catch you properly)
Ah minnnt, I couldn't do that. What if the other person didn't feed it? I'm sure it will settle down soon, I hope it does anyway.

Did the cat take the two acaras at the same time or different days Walkers? Shame it got them. Hopefully the cat may have learnt his lesson.
Lol! I'm sure your spanial and rottie would appreciate you for it :D

Where are these darn pictures?! :grr:
Do Oscars really dont have teeth?

My Oscar has never bitten me but I just read in some other sites that they have teeth but just very small you cant see them. Somebody else mentioned that they have sharp cartilage just inside their mouth. All I know is when my other Cichlids bite my finger I feel something sharp inside their mouth, but when my Datnoid bites my finger, I dont feel anything sharp in his mouth.
I get nervous when I put my hands in my cichlid tank. I know my Red Zebra has what looks like teeth, and he's a mean lil turd
The cat has been rehomed. Hopefully he'll he happy with no other cats or dogs around.

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