Cat Torture

He is fine.... until he jumps on my face with all his claws out at 03:00AM. And god help you if your toes sneak out of the covers at any point in the night!
He is fine.... until he jumps on my face with all his claws out at 03:00AM. And god help you if your toes sneak out of the covers at any point in the night!

i had that this morning, would not leave my toes alone. :angry:
We've had Oscar neutered already as well, and if anything, he's worse. The vet did comment that he was, ahem, well endowed :crazy: :lol: So maybe that has something to do with it! As cute as a kitten he is, can't wait for him to start being a cat!
Thanks for the replies.

:wub: She looks too cute. Did the cat just let your mom do that to her without making a fuss about it?? Very cute.

It's a he, which makes it even more amusing :lol: I don't think he was that bothered, he must have been in a nice mood at the time and was more concerned with working out where his legs had gone than killing. For a change. He's about 7/8 months and a right vicious git. Currently I've got about 30 big scratches and numerous small sratches on my arms where he decided that my hand must be a small furry creature or just felt the urge to chew me, he's really awful to our other cat (grabs hold of her scruff and won't let go) and has even progresses to chasing the rabbit around the garden when we let him out (considering the rabbit is bigger than him and literally weighs more than a large TV it should be interesting when she gets fed up) and has now found one way of getting out of the garden (the most difficult) and keeps running into the neighbors garden. Amongst other things. Oh, and he keeps bringing down assorted items from around the house and ripping them to bits. Such as loo rolls. And sponges.

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