cat-to-cat introduction


Fish Addict
Feb 28, 2005
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Houston, Tx.
Ok, so as some of you may know from previous pictures, I have a 2 year old neutered male DSH cat named Simba and recently (1 month ago) adopted a 6 month old spayed female siamese calico cat named Sky. I've kept them separated for a month since both cats were sick and just to keep them apart for a while.
Oh yea, also, he's never really been around many cats before. He was around a male kitten when he was little but would always torment him so I gave him away. Also, another time, a girl brought over her siamese cat and he would just chase her around the whole house. She was 1 and trying to be dominant so she would just slap Simba when he got too close :rolleyes:
Anyways, at their first introduction at the shelter, Simba was extremely scared and stayed in his carrier frozen. When I brought the kitten in they were just smelling each other through the carrier. Then Simba licked her (note: sky was not spayed yet) so she hissed at him.
Now I've tried for a few days to bring them together. At first I carried Sky into Simba's room (actually my room) and he would just be really interested in her but from their first experience I took her out within 5 minutes. When I came back to my room he had thrown his food all over the carpet. I'm guessing he was jealous. He did that 2 other times after that.
Today I tried again bringing Sky into the room and now Simba is attempting to bite her and slap her. :huh: -_- And he also bites me too since I'd be holding her. So I took her out, put a blanket over him, and carried him into her room instead. I petted him while Sky just rubbed herself on me but he would still be really tense.
I'm wondering if it's better for me to be holding him or her? Are there any other techniques I can use to introduce them? I'm just so confused and I'm definately not going to get rid of her :sad: I nursed her back to health and she is so sweet :wub: And I love Simba but letting him have his way on this one is just not going to happen :sly:

Sorry for the long rant...I just really need some advice on this one.
when introducing the it's best to keep them both in cat carriers facing each other so they can't hurt or interfere with each other.

i've heard of people who put tuna oil or some other strong fishy smelling oil on both cats when they introduce them. the theory is that as they groom themselves and then each other they will be introducing their own smell and so both cats eventually will smell the same. also grooming is a very stong bond builder with cats so if they will groom each other your most of the way there.
Actually, he does lick her a few times but then after he licks her he'll try to bite her. Of course, I never give him a chance to actually do it. That's the same thing he does with me. He'll lick me and then just bite me lightly but if I let him do it he'll eventually just do it harder so I don't want it to get to that point with the kitten. I will try the carrier thing. They both have these mesh kind of fabric on their carriers so they can get to each other unless one pulls the zipper which would be really freaky if one did that :blink:
I'm not sure about the tuna though. None of them like it which is wierd. Oh, and catnip only seems to work on Sky.
I should buy a catnip plant and rub it on Sky and Simba and then they can be all relaxed around each other :shifty: :lol:
We had our first cat Rupert as DSH for sometime before we got another cat, we were worried about what would happen, we simply brought the new cat home and placed him on the floor for 2 days Rupert bugged Maxx ( the new guy ) and we were getting worried Maxx did not eat or drink ( at least not from what we saw ) but after the second day Rupert lost interest in Maxx and they both had a good meal and a long drink of water and slept, and did the normal cat things. Now they are best of friends they sleep, play, eat, and poop together..

Sometimes trying to spare the cat from a little stress only adds to yours, the more you bring the cat in and take it out the more you'll confuse the original cat as to what is going on and the more agressice they may get...let them do what cats do and you'll be fine.. ;)

best of luck

The younger of the two is Sky and she's fine with him now (guess the spaying worked on calming her down). Simba, my 2 year old, is the one with the problem. He's jealous that I have her and he keeps trying to bite her. I thought about letting them loose in the house since its a bigger space but I also don't want to see them fight. Simba brings a lot of cuts and bruises to my arms and legs and anywhere else he sees fit to do so (including big gashes) and I would hate that happening to Sky since she's so little and doesnt seem like she'll fight back. She always wants to be around me too so it's hard not to give her the attention she wants but if I do, Simba will get even more mad and start attacking me :X
I also thought about spraying him with water if he tries to fight her but water doesn't really work on him. I take him baths so he's really use to water.

*EDIT* this is the picture of both of them. Simba being the DSH and Sky is the siamese one. And simba might look sweet but he's really an evil little guy (not really little, he's almost twice Sky's size :unsure: )


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Ok, so far I think I've taken a step back on everything.
Before it was just Simba that didn't like Sky but now Sky doesn't like Simba. Simba started pouncing on her and biting her (don't think it did any damage, they didn't make a sound when that happened :blink: ) so then I guess she wanted revenge and started doing it back to him. I did separate them all the times they did that to each other with a water bottle but they're not learning to stop doing it.
Now I can tell both of them don't like each other at all by the way they posture themselves. It's kind of sad. I only have less than a month for them to either be ok with each other or really get along. We need the spare room back :/ .
So, unfortunately, if they don't get along I'm going to have to send her back to the shelter :sad: .
Luckily, she's already spayed and healthy so she can get adopted right away. I didn't want to do that but it was either her or Simba and she has a better chance of being adopted than Simba since he's so aggressive.
One thing I would have added, was when introducting the pair, you need to do it in a room which is, lets say "common ground", (neither cats territory) by bring sky into simba's teritory ie...your room, you are unlikely to have a very happy meeting of the pair, cats are very teritorial animals and will defend THEIR own space.
lagrant said:
One thing I would have added, was when introducting the pair, you need to do it in a room which is, lets say "common ground", (neither cats territory) by bring sky into simba's teritory ie...your room, you are unlikely to have a very happy meeting of the pair, cats are very teritorial animals and will defend THEIR own space.
That's a good idea. Would it be fine if I just set the cats loose in the house and follow them around to check out where they go or should I put them in only one room that isn't their room so they could be in a small area?

This is what I've been doing now since the last time they fought, I think...


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One good thing to do whist getting two cats used to each other, is to get a towel and rub it over sky so the scent is put onto it, and vis versa then give the cats the towels so they can get used to the smell of the othercat.

Looking at your pictures they both seem very comfortable and relax.

I would say give your new cat a chance to investigate and get used to all the new smells in their new home, without the other one being aound, this is half the battle, as your new cats needs to know its own surroundings.

Then your new cat wont be so over whelmed when they both out in the house together.

I wouldn't be to shocked and concerned, when they do get together and hiss, growl, fluff up, arch backs etc and even give the other a swipe with their paw, this is natural behaviour for cats and it's just a way of them estabishings a pecking order and working out who's boss.

just be patient and let them work through it on their own (providing they are not out to kill each other) It will take time.

Sorry about my terrible spelling.
mm_simb said:
That's a good idea. Would it be fine if I just set the cats loose in the house and follow them around to check out where they go or should I put them in only one room that isn't their room so they could be in a small area?
from this comment I would have to say not to have them in a small room together, This could very well make them panic, thus taking longer for them to bond.

They will feel very uncomfortable if there is no where for them to run off and hide, you want to be able to let your cats meet on their own terms and when they feel ready to do so, if one does run off and hide just let them, after a while they will want to venture out, when they feel brave enough, after all cats are very curious creatures.

It can takes week if not months for the cats to accept each other.

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