Cat Missing - Keighley

LOL we're as bad as each other! Gilstead's miles away, it really isn't likely to be him at all. And yet I'm here pressing "Send/Receive" on OE over and over waiting for an update. Pathetic really. You know, I was thinking, other people have cats go missing and don't get half as bothered as I am, maybe because theirs are outdoor cats, or maybe because I'm a little bit mad. I wonder if I'm an odd one and just not seeing cats as what they are. Thing is, Dodge came to us because we were only interested in an indoor at after our last two cats were stolen and killed. We believed that an indoor cat that was happy being an indoor cat (ie. not forcing a cat used to going out to live in) was the best scenario for us, and Dodge was exactly that, to the point of being agoraphobic. We honestly thought we'd never have to go through this. Our cats are indoor cats, we're not meant to lose them :(

Doesn't matter what you do it seems!
I've been exactly the same when Mitt's has gone off on her wanders so your certainly not alone. Christ last time she was gone for a long time Ian was even getting really upset, he was in tears over it once and that's the only time I've ever seen him cry (unlike me where a week I'm not in tears over something is definately the exception not the rule!).

Thing is unless you never leave the house or open the windows/doors there's always a chance the cat will get out. Our kitten's getting to the point now where she's very interested in outdoors, I've nearly lost her through the front door when I'm trying to manouvre my bike into the house. There's only so much you can do really.

Sadly pet ownership has it's ups and downs and the chances of loosing your pet are one of the downs that you have to accept as a possibility if you want the joy of owning a pet.
Yeah, I suppose so, although with Dodge is was slightly better chances of him not doing a runner as he'd never been out in his life and was actually very afraid of outdoors. Never had a problem with leaving windows open etc, with the exception of Grace falling out of one. :rolleyes: But then she is a bit of a divvy.

Well, no news on the found cat, the man who reported it to a friend of the lady who runs the rescue has not phoned to fill in the gaps. It was a very long shot anyway. So why do I feel sick?
Kathy i have been following this every day and i cant belive that He has just dissapeared without any trace.Suerly someone would contact you with all the flyers you have put up.
I am begining to think someone has taken him in and not letting on.
Everything crossed here that he will turn up safe and sound
Hi Graham

Thanks for your message. I suspect you're right - noone could be feeding him round here and NOT know he's missing, that's how thorough we've been. The other possible option, well it doesn't bear thinking about for now.

I have to ring the council again today, saw the street cleansing team out yesterday so the list might be updated.

Take care

I've just had an email off the rescue we got Dodge from saying a found ginger cat has been reported. Very unlikely to be him as it's so far away (Gilstead in Bingley), and there's no mention of white, but for some insane reason all that sensibility has gone out of the window and I already have my hopes up. :rolleyes:

No more news on the found cat so I think we can write that off now.
hi there.
you must be sick with worry my thought are with you.all i wanted to say was my cat sophia went missing for 2 weeks,she was locked in a shed down the road.i had totally given up any hope of her return,so it just goes to show that there is always a chance.
my fingers are crossed for a safe return.
Oh Kathy I feel sick for you, Ive been looking in on this post every day in the hope to see great news, I think when he does come home Ill probably cry with relief myself !!!
Best of luck with the search
x x x x x
Well we've come to the decision to basically just keep what we've got going on ticking over and not to try spreading the search any more.

It's become blatantly obvious today that we're getting our hopes up over something that is very unlikely to happen, and this evening we have yet again become the source of entertainment for the local kids with hoax calls about having Dodge.

This is where it stops. We can't keep on living in hope, it's a lovely thought, but at some point we need to face up to things. It's very unlikely he's coming home now. And I have to get used to that.

I'll keep ringing around those that have his details and I haven't "given up", but I need to do this now or I'll go insane.

Edited to add: I wanted to say thank you ever so much for those that have been so supportive on here.
Sorry to hear your having problems with the sickos Kathy,I know what you mean about it driving you insane.We had a Siamese cat Stolen out of the Conservetory 15 years ago and for a year it took over my life and became an obcession to find her.

I still hope that Dodge turns up for you :(
I'm so sorry you haven't found him yet Kathy. I've also been checking the thread everyday in the hope that you had some good news. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you.
I completely understand too :sad: but I will also still keep my fingers crossed.
I would still hold out hope.
Read about cats go missing and turned up years later, they can be funny creatures at times.
Well we've come to the decision to basically just keep what we've got going on ticking over and not to try spreading the search any more.

It's become blatantly obvious today that we're getting our hopes up over something that is very unlikely to happen, and this evening we have yet again become the source of entertainment for the local kids with hoax calls about having Dodge.

This is where it stops. We can't keep on living in hope, it's a lovely thought, but at some point we need to face up to things. It's very unlikely he's coming home now. And I have to get used to that.

I'll keep ringing around those that have his details and I haven't "given up", but I need to do this now or I'll go insane.

Edited to add: I wanted to say thank you ever so much for those that have been so supportive on here.

this makes me so mad, bloody kids playing on your hurt like that. want me to send Ian round to sort them out, promise i'll just let him scare them a bit ;) lol

I understand why you feel you have to move on. You can't live like this tormenting yourself over it, you'll only make yourself poorly and there does come a time when you have to move one.

I'm so sorry :-(
Oh Kathy M sorry to hear about dodge, and that your having hoax calls from local kids!

I really dont think there is anything else I can say to ease the way your feeling as I'm not very good with words, I'm just glad that your not giving up hope completely and that I hope he returns home safely for you soon. Take care.

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