Cat + Combustion heater= Heaven!

Mr Miagi

Veins are flowing with SW, now going back to FW!
Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score
Adelaide, Australia!

Someone looks happy! ;)
Think I'd be happy curled up in front of that to :nod: Nice cat you got there not as good looking as the one in my avatar though :lol:
Oh that cats coat looks soooo soft, pretty kitty there.

I must admit when I saw "Cat + Combustion heater= Heaven!, aww" I figured there was an accident, i couldnt for the life of me figure out why you would post pictures of something like that :p
Yep me too, at first glance of the thread title i thought this was going to be some realy gory pics inside, but obviously not- Cute cat :wub: :fun: ! Wouldn't mind curling up in front of that heater myself :D
LOL, no no no, i would never post something like that! I love my cat! :p

Thanks for all your lovely comments.

She doesnt stay like that though, each night i put her out in her purppose built cage outside into the cold night... :D And boy does she growl! :D
When I read the topic title I thought they had got to close and went "Pooof" up into smoke. :hyper:

lol chisandfips. I never realised what the title sounded like until opcn said so! HAHAHA! Ooops, i wouldnt do that anyways! :) Thanks for your kind words! tehe

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