Casper My Mollie


Dec 25, 2008
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casper my silver mollie has been gettin fat not huge but fat and she has a gravel spot and what looks like the white bit on her bum. so i have put her in a breeding trap. was this the rite thing to do? and how long can she stay in there?
Hi Weejen

Sounds good to me. Personally as long as she doesn't look distressed I would keep her in there for a couple of days. Hopefully it won't take that long though!! Before you put her in the trap was she acting any differently? Hanging around the heater/filter, breathing any faster etc?
she is the nosiest fish i have always first over to see what i am doin in the tank and fist up to surface when its feeding time. she is usualy very active but tonite she has been stayin still alot and hiding at the back of the tank. i am just paronoid that cause i am watching her i am convincing myself she is acting diff. if you no what i mean tank light is off now cause i mite have stressed her catching her but she seam quite happy in the breeding trap just now when i checked her
I must admit I am not talking from experience. I only have one batch of fry (Tuesday) but everything you are saying sounds very promissing from what I have read on here. She is probably enjoying the break from the males. Hopefully you may have some fry by morning. Just keep the light off, and the room dark and leave her to it. Good luck and keep us updated.
A clear picture of her from the side and from the top would help us figure out how close she might be.

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