Carnivorous Snail?


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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I have some snails in my tank, which I believe to be pond snails. I've observed them eating Planaria and water flea (er, it's something small, white, and hops, anyways), and leaving my plants alone, to the point where it'll actually go around my marimo balls.

I thought pond snails only ate plants?
Nope they'll eat anything they can get their feelers on at the bottom of the tank which is why they are such a pain to get rid of because they can eat pretty much anything to survive, same goes for trumpet, ramshorn and apple snails plus many others- all of them do well with some protein in their diets :nod: . Trumpet snails will even eat their own offspring when they start to starve!
Thank you for replying, I was starting to think I'd never get someone to acknowledge my posts without much hopping up and down.

My snails seem to think salad is for pansies. They love eating those flea looking things, although I'll sometimes catch them eating a little rotten bit of plant, that's only if there was once a bug on it and the bug got away, and the snail happened to be there. :thumbs:

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